Rudyard Kipling
New pigeon defences |
Can we forgive the pigeons? They are testing us considerably at the moment. The second sowing of wheat, barley and oats was doing well until the pigeons again swooped in! Trampling down the net they have grazed the tender young shoots for the second time. A new metal cage has been constructed which hopefully will save the third sowing from destruction.
In the greenhouse that cactus plant continues to flower in profusion.
Also in the greenhouse you may have noticed many small plants pricked out and laid out in trays on the tables. These plants will provide the Gardening Club with one of their secret floral displays for this year
The Gardening Club secret project |
Last weekend during a working party our young naturalist was delighted with this find. The first one for the year
Our first Slow-worm record for 2012 |
Finally the Living Stones have just about finished growing their new leaves and the old shrivelled ones can easily be seen on the edges of the plant. Today they received their first drink since October last year. They must be kept dry during the winter months but a small "shower" of water was applied this afternoon to refresh the plants
The Living Stones with their new leaves |