school garden

school garden

Friday, 2 November 2012

Up the garden path!

Today whilst dodging the afternoon showers the path to the eco-loo was constructed. At 1pm our friends from Doonan's delivered the dry mix and it was then a bit of a rush to get the path laid.  The shuttering and hardcore had already been positioned so on paper it would not take long to make good.  It seems a long time since we were at this stage

But at last we are now at this stage

A smaller path was also laid connecting the garden to the Garden Club beds

A busy day with the compost bins successfully moved away from the entrance and some general tidying up. The class beds are clear and ready for 2013 and our locally made compost has been distributed on some of the beds with more to follow.

At the close of day an interesting insect was noted on the roof of one of the cars.  An Oak Bush-cricket.  Usually seen indoors on the wall of the living room in the summer, as they are nocturnal, and often fly into a room where the light has been on and the window open.

Oak Bush-cricket

It will soon be time to start overwintering the Pitcher Plants and those Living Stones should soon be in flower.
A timely reminder that summer may be hanging on  was the fact that a Red Admiral butterfly was seen this afternoon in the garden.

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