school garden

school garden

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Summer is hanging on....

 "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin ......"

So spoke Ulysses to Achilles
Shakespeare from Troilus and Cressida.

Fitting words for this time of year as Autumn is clearly upon us now but summer is still hanging on

A few pictures from around the garden this morning.

This charming geranium 'Rozanne' has been flowering since May!

At one of the class plots- the 'pizza plot' - the pumpkin is still growing!

The ever growing pumpkin

The grapevine still looks healthy and the leaves are still very green and have not started to turn.  Many of the grapes are ripening off but it is unlikely  there will be enough to make a business venture worthwhile!

This weekend the garden group set about tidying a few areas up and targeting the greenhouse in particular.  The vines and creepers inside had all but died off and the tomatoes would certainly produce no more fruit. A good clean tidy greenhouse over the winter is very desirable. All that remains now are the  pitcher plants, the sundew, the venus fly trap, the Clog plant and the Antler plant succulents. Decaying vegetation is not good in a greenhouse!

General view in the tidy greenhouse

The pitcher plant is doing very well.

The Antler plants and the flowering sundew

The group will  save the sundew seeds and try to propagate some new plants for next year.  A little homework will be required for this venture!

We are hoping that groundwork will start very soon on the Jurassic Garden. The next big job in the garden is to examine and turn the many compost bins.  We expect to see a lot of spiders and slugs!

NOTICE:  It is intended to have a carol service in the school garden on Saturday December 7th.  It should be a splendid event with a few pleasant surprises thrown in. Updates and timings about this event will be posted here.

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