school garden

school garden

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Garden open day

A quick blog update to confirm that the school garden open day will be this coming Saturday July 5th from 14.00 to 16.30.  There will be plenty of games to challenge visitors and refreshments.

A very pastel shaded Penstemon

The more traditional shade of Penstemon
 Bees are very fond of Penstemon flowers.  They can often be seen landing on the lip of the flower and walking in to collect the pollen

This flower appeared in the greenhouse today- one of the gourds

The bloom of a dinosaur gourd- now flowering in the greenhouse

Members of the garden group will be on hand to answer questions and we hope our visitors enjoy the experience.  The main reason for the open day is of course funds.  We are desperate to continue with the Jurassic Garden.  The next stage will be laying out and putting down the ammonite shaped path.  We have the path edging material but funds will be needed for the infill and then to start planting up with large ferns and other suitable plants.

The pond is looking good at the moment and we are trying to keep on top of the wretched algae which has appeared. As soon as it is removed it returns by the next day.

The school pond
Finishing on a natural history thread.  This quite large excavation was spotted this afternoon. It has been made by one of the mining bees. The insect could be seen sat just inside the structure but could not be tempted out for identification.  It is probably one of the Andrena sp.

Lastly another parastic bee was spotted yesterday around the vegetable beds.  It awaits identification.  It was watching other small bees waiting to move in when the chance arose.

The parasitic bee- which resembles a wasp!

We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday.  The weather forecast is good.  There is much to see and enjoy in the garden and we hope that your generosity will help us move forward with the Jurassic phase of the school garden.

Once again  Saturday July 5th  from 14.00 to 16.30

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