school garden

school garden

Sunday, 19 June 2016

"Integrity is doing the right thing...

.. even when no one is watching"

C.S. Lewis

The warmer weather and gentle rain has ensured that the plants in the garden have put a growth spurt on and many now are in flower.  We hope that they will remain in flower for the open day which looms ever closer!

The blue bed in particular is looking stunning with an array of blue flowers which on warm days are covered in bees and other pollinating insects.


Bell flowered campanula


Anchusa azurea

Small flowered campanula


Cupid's Dart

 Around the Jurassic garden the ferns and the pseudopanax and tetrapanax are doing well and the 'tropical border' is filling out well with the banana plants reaching up with new luxuriant leaves.

The rheum and ligularias are thriving

The tropical bed

Giant chain fern under the tree fern

 The newly planted ornamental banana plant is enjoying the outside life. It has been planted among cannas and other 'hot ' flowering plants

The ornamental banana plant

A beautiful canna
 Behind the pond the woodland path has been re-opened.  The cow parsley has been particularly thick this year and it took a while to cut a way through but now access is provided along the fence line

the re-opened woodland walk

Yellow Flag and Ragged Robin at the pond edge

The wretched duckweed on the pond needs managing !

Slow worm found in the greenhouse

The newly positioned hanging baskets.

This male blackbird followed the lawn mower chasing disturbed food items!
The broad beans and potatoes in the WW2 garden

The Desiree crop of potatoes is in full flower
 A casual glance at the Asparagus plants revealed that we had been infested with Asparagus Beetles.  Not a garden friendly insect but nevertheless an attractive one!

Asparagus Beetle

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