school garden

school garden

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

March update

This week we have been fortunate enough to receive some gifts from both Value House and B&Q. Goods up to the value of £250 were donated by each store. This is great news for us. We have been able to get good quality, organic compost to enrich our growing soil and we have been able to provide classes with propagators and seeds with which to begin their growing.

This month we have spent many hours creating growing beds for all of the classes from year 2 to year 6. This has taken longer than we expected as we undertook the task of 'double digging' at the advice of our local horticultural society. Definitely a good idea but lots of hard work - especially when you dig down a spades depth only to find a hidden stash of builders rubble!!!!

These beds are made from recycled plastic and should hopefully last 'forever'. We soldiered on and now have all 15 beds in place. Now, we just have to finish putting down the weed-proof membrane and woodchip around these beds and put in an edging around the growing site.
To be continued........

Come on classes, get those green fingers to work.

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