school garden

school garden

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Plenty of red tape.......

On Sunday the priority job for the Garden Group was to clear the way along the wall at the side of the garden ready for the contractors to come in over the half term when it is hoped that  the water and electricity will be installed.  A lot of scrap timber and other bits and pieces were taken to the recycling centre and now the mini- digger will have good access right along the wall to the intended location of the water/electrical control box which will be situated close to the compost bin area.

Before lunch we set about planting Mrs Davidsons' fig tree. It has been planted at the back against the wall which will give it optimum growing conditions.  The hole having been dug was lined with old paving slabs to restrict root growth.


Then the tree was duly planted and firmed in. Hopefully in this sunny position it should produce plenty of fruit.

The afternoon was spent by making a start to take the Jurassic Garden from the original plan and actually marking out the main sections.  We started putting in wooden pegs

By the end of the afternoon and with the help of some red tape we had started to get a visual idea of how the garden would look like and more important, the sort  of dimensions we were looking at

In between all this time was found for a little wildlife spotting.  The highlight being the discovery of a Broad-bodied Chaser (Libellula depressa) dragonfly as it emerged from the nymph stage and slowly developed into a dragonfly. Apologies for the many pictures but this has to be one of the greatest feats of natural history that there is.  After spending two years under water the nymph climbs out and from it bursts a magnificent dragonfly. it does not get much better than that!

The dragonfly has climbed out the nymph stage and pumping out the body and wings

The sunshine and warmth has worked wonders to the strawberry bed and we shall have to cover them soon as the blackbirds will find the fruit before we do!

In the World War 2 garden things are looking good with the broad beans and the potatoes both growing well now

Elsewhere the Jerusalem Artichokes are growing well in the Garden Club bed

With the School and Garden Open Day looming closer and closer hopefully the class beds will soon be planted up.  This year there is no 'theme' so anything goes be it flowers or vegetables

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