school garden

school garden

Monday, 24 February 2014

A very busy weekend

"never try to catch two frogs in one hand"

An old Chinese proverb.

With that in mind this weekend saw a lot of activity in the school pond.  On Saturday evening over 17 frogs were seen splashing about at the shallow end of the pond.  On Sunday morning there was a lot of frog spawn there and the frogs were still paired up and splashing about and resting on the sides.  After three years the pond has now matured enough to attract plenty of frogs.

Away from the pond area the greenhouse has over the past few days been dismantled and rebuilt and secured on a bed of concrete blocks.  The glass was removed and recycled and is being replaced with polycarbonate sheets

Once dismantled the site was cleaned and made ready for the concrete blocks

After repositioning the greenhouse the new polycarbonate sheets had to be measured and fitted to the greenhouse.

By the end of Sunday the roof had been re-glazed with the polycarbonate sheets and also one side.  By the end of the forthcoming week the greenhouse should be completely refurbished and we can move the exhibits and staging back inside and start planting ready for 2014!

Finally our good friends at Doonans popped by on Saturday morning and delivered some brick rubble which is just what we wanted to progress with the Jurassic Garden.  It will mean that the wheelbarrows and sledge hammer will be busy next weekend! We thank them very much.

As we left the garden a very vocal Green Woodpecker made itself known and possibly another queen Buff-tailed Bumble Bee was seen flying around the Aeolian wind organ.

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